Personal 60th anniversary exhibition of Mais Aliyev

15.05.2009 - 21.05.2009

On 12 May,2009 in the Gallery of art of Museum Centre was held personal annivesary exhibition of artist Mais Aliyev,devoted to its 60 years.
Mais Aliyev is one of the greatest masters of graphic arts in modern Azerbaijan. He was born on 14 May 1949 in Baku. In 1968,he finished the State Painting school named after A.Azimzade and in 1972 the faculty of Easel Graphics of the Moscow State Painting Institute named after V.I.Surikov. Later,however, (between 1975-1980) he continued his studies at the Faculty of Easel and Book Graphics of the institute of Printing Trade, named after I.Fyodorov in Lvov, Ukraine.
His first personal exhibition was held on Jule 8, 2000 in Arizona, USA and was supported by the firm “Caspian” LTD and the Azerbaijan State Art Museum named after R.Mustafayev; the second one was held in Baku at the Absheron Art Gallery in 2004. Since 1991, he has been a member of the Azerbaijan Union of Artists.A large number of his works are exhibited in foreign countries in personal collections or museums (in the famous Ludwig collection and the Faber-Castel gallery in Germany, at the National Gallery in Israel and at the Museum of Eastern Nations in Sankt-Petersburg,Russia etc.)
He dedicated 35 years of his life to art graphics and his philosophical thoughts lead to a curious question- why do people start contemplating the meaning of life only after reaching certain age? Of course, analyzing past event is something that an infant simply cannot do.However, the accuracy of the late knowledge and practice is also limited. And where is the happy medium? The works created by artists and based on their life experience become landmarks for humankind, for future generations. These works can be compared with monumental music. In every recent work created by Mais I almost hear new pieces of music and these musical accords remain within me.