Informational-educational center “The Russian museum: virtual branch” structurally consists of scientific-educational class-room and multimedia cinema.
The basic content of the center is “Mediateka” which includes publications and interactive multimedia programms along with the films created by The Russian museum.

Multimedia cinema is the auditorium, equiped with the lated projecting system or PDP, computer, DVD-player, audio-system. In multimedia cinema there are films and programs presented that are created with the use of latest achivments of IT. For example, the program “Virtual world of The Russian museum” gives an opportunity not only lets one have a virtual excurcion around palaces and parks of The Russian museum’s complex and get acquainted with museum’s exposition, but also helps users have a look at the reconstructions of the lost interiors etc. Thanks to modern computer technologies users of the program havу an opportunity to walk through one painting into another with the help of specially constructed 3D space.
In informational-educational class-room equipped with computers there are interactive multimedia programs presented along with printed editions on collections of The Russian museum, history of Russian art, history of palaces and parks of museum complex. Here visitors can work with the components of Mediateka on their own, visit the web-portal of IEC, web-site of The Russian museum and other Internet-resources on cultural heritage of Russia. There are also special classes for children and students held using various educational methods including that of Russian center of museum teaching and children’s creative work.